Homoeopathy is a system of natural medicine introduced by a German Physician, Dr. Samul Hahnemann, MD an Allopathic physician, at the end of 18th century.

Recognising that the whole person's mind, body, spirit - vital force is affected when there is a disease or illness, Homoeopathy seeks to treat the whole person. The focus is not the diseased parts as the sickness, but on the totality of the individual.

Homoeopathic remedies stimulate the body's self regulating mechanism to initiate the healing power of the body (immunity).

Homoeopathy first choice - To obtain the best results of Homoeopathic treatment one should resort to Homoeopathy in the early stage of the disease. Homoeopathy is scientific, safe, rapid and a very effective medical system of healing. Homoeopathy offers long lasting and permanent cure, treating the disease from its root. Homoeopathy does not treat superficially but treats the patient from with in (internally). Homoeopathy deals more with patient than disease (whole man).

Homoeopathy is safe. Unlike other medicines, homoeopathic medicines usually do not have any side effects. Their ability to cause structural damage is Nil. The reason for this is that homoeopathic medicines act by stimulating the body's own defense mechanism and healing powers. They do not have any chemical action, so they do not have the potential to cause any sustained damage. The doses are given in sub-physiological quantities. So they can be given to children and adults alike without worrying about the dosage. It is safe for every one.